What I love most about spring is the blossoms, so soft and beautiful. If I were to have a girl and give her a hippy name it would be Blossom.After snow in Placerville on Sunday, the weather has turned beautiful! With the number of kids here at my mom's this is a very good thing because the kids can be outside being as loud, getting as dirty and playing as hard as their little hearts desire!
After visiting with my Grandma, and being quiet, good children for at least an hour and a half we took the kids out to a park for lunch. Austin, Myah and Lyndie played choo choo train almost the whole time, running and sliding while attached at the hip! That's sweet little Gracie in the upper right corner. I love her pig tails! She and Danny alternate between loving each other and being each other's best rivals.

Yesterday Bethany and I took a blanket out into the front yard, laid it in the sunshine and attempted to read while watching the kids play. We weren't able to get much reading done but having a chance to just relax, talk and soak up the sun was delicious. Steven helped Austin to climb up his first big tree. Austin was so proud! I bribed Myah, with a graham cracker to get her to pause for a picture. By the end of the afternoon, Gracie (once again with a cute pigtail) was ready for a nap in the sun too!

The view from the blanket - endless blue skies

Bethany has been busy preparing for Lyndie's princess party. I have jumped at the opportunity to help out and get to work on girly projects; glitter and flowers galore!