True to my promise here is the recipe for the Whole Wheat Bread. . I pulled it from a cookbook my mom's ward put together. She gave me a copy for Christmas and I love it!
In true Sarah Fashion (I can't leave anything un-embellished) I put it onto one of the recipe cards I made up. I am slowly putting all my favorite recipes on to these cards and printing them out to put in my recipe box.
I did change the recipe slightly from the original based on my preferences. I changed vegetable oil to olive oil and margarine to butter.

Another side note. The book that the ward put together is really cool. They did it all online at Morris Cookbooks. Everyone was able to go online to put in their recipes directly. It has an index sorted by recipe names and by contributors as well as all sorts of helpful hints. You can pick out the type of binding and the cover art. It would be great for putting together a family recipe book too (which the Jukes family is contemplating!)
Here are some pics of my book so you can get a feel for a finished project.

Here are some pics of my book so you can get a feel for a finished project.
Mmmmm... thanks for sharing! I'm definately going to make this. I might wait until we are settled so I can use my much-missed Kitchenaid too! That makes bread SO much easier! Hope you and your boys feel better soon!
yeah, im so glad you found us and now we have your blog. We sent a christmas card this year but it got returned. I guess we don't have your santa cruz address yet. I am so jelous you live there by the way!
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