Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes . . .

I still can't believe that I am so blessed to call them mine . . .

Monday, September 26, 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic

The boys took their rain gutter races very seriously!
Since the event was at Rainbow Orchards and Danny loves rainbows, we made rainbow cupcakes.
Lunch in the orchard with the boys and their teddies.
and this is how Danny likes to eat his pb&js now!
Trying to get a decent shot of me and the boys . . .
Teddy bear parade
Austin got brave enough to go up onstage and dance the chicken dance.  He was excited he got to dance with the Bruin mascot!

Random Miscellany

 Austin tried to be helpful and cut up the zucchini for dinner, but wasn't able to.  So he stuck the knife in it and just left it there!
The boys on the train to downtown
Danny playing with the cool toys at Max's house
Danny and I on the carousel at Funderland
Double time out - there has been a lot of this in our house lately!
Oh me, oh my!  I can't believe I am related to these people!
Little Miss Hallie at Maysie's birthday party

Labor Day 2011

We hiked from Silver Lake to Granite Lake, about 3.5 miles, and the boys did great.

 This is where we stopped and had lunch

I love mountain meadows!

Danny exploring

Austin found a smiley face rock  :)

Super Austin!

and Austin pretending to be a baby bird

And some pictures from my cousin Andera
Yep, there's Austin, walking on water.  And I didn't even notice because I was helping Danny chase down a little frog!

All Cuddled Up

Miles loves to cuddle up and sleep with Danny - so sweet!

Oh, Austin

you make picture time so much fun!

When Danny Dresses Himself . . .

Because cammo with cammo matches, right?