Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trip to Oregon

Last weekend we took a trip up to Oregon to see my sister Bethany and her family for the weekend.  It was a quick and snowy trip but lots of fun!
I am so glad I had my camera in hand when Danny came up the stairs dressed like this.  He had us laughing so hard!
Auntie B reading bedtime stories to the kids
 A girls trip downtown to our favorite store "Treasures"

 Fun in the truck on the long stormy, snowy drive.  Danny was coloring in the fast food drink cup holder so intently!  He tends to stick his tongue out when he is concentrating, so cute!
 My boys!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Sick Little Bug

My sick little Danny bug  :(
I was brave enough to let him sleep on my bed again, even though we have already been through one load of laundry.  He is being so lovey and snuggly!

So Lovely

I just think everything about this picture is lovely, and I wanted to share.
It is a picture of Lady Clementine Waring and her daughter.  It came from an article in the Smithsonian magazine about shell shocked soldiers in WWI.  Lady Waring, who was Scottish, opened up her home to soldiers  who were suffering from shell shock.

Dead Batteries

I stole this idea, of how to store dead batteries til they can be properly disposed of from my dad.  I saved a 2 liter bottle, rinsed it out, cut an opening and then taped on the oh-so-cute-n-grungy label.  It sits nice and easy in my cupboard right next to the trash can, and the boys love to throw the dead batteries in there instead of the trash!

Friday, March 18, 2011


 I cannot believe how beautiful the weather was yesterday!
I just love Hannah's face in this one!
Danny and his red dirt boy badge of honor!


I am so lucky to have my boys!  And I think they are lucky to have each other!

and we were lucky to have cousins come up to play!
Our lucky rainbow!
and our lucky clovers, were we wrote all the things we are lucky to have in our life!
and if you are reading this, then we are lucky to have you in our lives as well ♥

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not Since 5th Grade . . .

 . . . have I had the guts (or reason) to cut my hair.  I have always liked my curls best long, but things change.  The stress and weight loss I have gone through did a real number on my hair and it wasn't happy or healthy.  So I decided it was time to let go of the idea I can only be me if my hair was long.  It is time to embrace who I am and what I need in the here and now.  And, voila . . .
It is taking some getting used to but I am loving it!

Random Camera Phone Pictures

Every once in awhile I realize that I have a bunch of pictures on my phone that I have forgotten about and haven't downloaded!  The quality may not be the best but it is the memories that matter  :)

Danny and I getting ready to go outside and play
Danny playing outside on the trailer
Danny and I snuggling
a "just because" shot of me and Miles
Dinner out at the Spaghetti Factory with Oma and Papa.  We got to sit in the train car.  It was so exciting!
 Danny was snuggling so sweet with his Uncle Mark, until I tried to get a picture of it!
 Danny's curls
 and Danny using Austin's old TaeKwonDo belt to play puppy dog!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Kind of Tree Are You?

While driving one day Austin started musing about what kind of trees we all are.  
He decided I am a weeping willow (because of my hair.)
He is an oak because he is so strong. 
Danny is a pine tree.  
When I asked him why Danny is a pine he replied, 
"Because you know how pine trees have those prickly things that annoy you?"  
I laughed so hard, even though I probably shouldn't have!
I just love the creative ways in which his mind works!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

On Walking and Trials in Life

As I am sure most of you know I am training to walk a half marathon (13.1 miles) at the beginning of April.  This is not something I ever thought I would do, which is exactly why I am doing it.  Well, that and because I want to keep off the weight I have lost.  
The first day I started training, which was only 2 miles I remember thinking - I will never be able to do this!  How far do I have to go again?  This is crazy!  My sister laughed at me, told me to just stick to it and before long I'd be able to do 3 miles and then 7.  I didn't really believe her.  Well, she may be young but she sure is smart, and of course, she was right.
I stuck to it, 2miles, turned to 3 which turned to 4, and I was doing okay!  The first 6 mile was a killer, luckily Nessa was with me on that one (with bronchitis to boot - what a trooper!).
So, now I have a full 2 months of training behind me.  As the miles get longer, so does the time it takes to walk them.  (thank goodness I have a mom so willing to watch the boys on the really long ones!)  I have found this time to be very therapeutic for me.  I let my mind wander, and just see what comes up, it even feels a bit like meditation to me.  On my first 10 mile I found myself comparing the walk to my life and more specifically to this unexpected trial in my life.  When I first started out, I felt forever away from the end.  But I was determined, so I just kept going.  Quite a ways in, while climbing a hill, I found myself wanting to quit, but there was no point to quitting, because I would still have to walk all that way back.  And then came the down hill and felt like I could do this again.

Then came what Nessa and I call the Demon Hill.  It goes up and up and does not seem to stop.  Just when you think you can't take any more it only gets steeper.  (I felt much better once I realized that the local fire dept. has used this particular hill for training purposes).  I have walked this hill a few times now, and I still had to stop a couple times to breathe and re-focus, but this time it actually felt a little shorter.

By the end I was tired and dragging my feet, but I did it, and that felt wonderful.  My life right now feels like that one big long walk, mostly with big hills hills, and just enough downhill to give me brief rests.  But here is the thing, I think I may just finally be seeing the top of this hill.  I know there will be others to come but they will pale in comparison to this one.
I walked 6 miles today and it was actually enjoyable.  I felt a light inside me that I have not felt for a really long time.  The hope and light that I feel now are so precious to me.  I want to put them in a jar and hold onto them so I can easily find them again, when it gets a bit dark.  Maybe that is why I felt the need to write this all out.

Danny's Monster

Danny's sunbeam class had a lesson about baptism.  At the end of class, they got to draw a picture.  Danny drew a monster getting baptized.  I love it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

{Photo Shoot} Danny Boy and the Sunset Light

Danny loves to ask me to take his picture, and then as soon as I bring out the camera he likes to try and hide.  That is why he was rolling all over the grass.  He would only stand still if I let him hold a stick in front of his face.  Oh well, I was loving the light and very happy with the smiles I caught!  And don't you love the cookie crumbs on his face too!  I would have loved to shoot some of Austin too, but he was across the street with his friends who have a trampoline, and that is way more fun than having mom take your picture again, and again, and again!


I don't know where he was going with it but it made me laugh and was worth all the socks and underwear dumped on the floor from the baskets!

Sometimes It's the Little Things . . .

 . . . that bring a smile to my face
it may be silly, but it really does make me smile, and I find myself looking for reasons to time things now!