Wednesday, June 30, 2010

At the Arena

On our last evening at my mom's we went out to the little local horse arena to watch some team penning.  I used to compete there when I was a little girl on my pony but I haven't been back for a very long time!  The kids were thrilled to be there and loved petting the horses.  One great cowboy, named J.R. even gave all the kids a ride on his horse, Rolex.  J.R. and Rolex were on one of the few teams that were able to pen the cow in the time allotted!  Papa also sent us along with one of his straw cowboy hats and it was a much worn item that evening!

Grandpa Perry

Bryce's Grandpa Perry, passed away last week.  He was Bryce's last remaining grandfather.  And while he was in reality a step grandfather, he was in spirit and in love a true grandfather. I will always remember him for the absolute love and acceptance I felt from him when I joined their family.

Powerhouse Pub

One night Bethany, Jenessa and I snuck away for a sisters night out.  We went down to the Powerhouse Pub in Folsom where my cousin in law Andy and my brother in law Laith were hosting an acoustic show.  When Andy and Laith are around, things are always entertaining!

Bubble Fun!

After our camping trip we came home for a day, long enough to unpack, do laundry and pack up again to head up to my mom's to spend some time with my sister who stayed in town and extra week, and to attend the funeral for Bryce's grandpa who passed away while we were camping.
One afternoon Bethany and I decided to entertain the little ones with bubbles, because nothing is more fun than bubbles!
Maysie caught a bubble in her hands!
Messy, messy, messy fun!
and bubbles are even more fun when you put them in your cousins hair!
Bubble girl Gracie!

Pictures from Family

I bet you thought you were done with camping pictures, but not just yet!  These are the pics I snagged from my mom and sister's cameras.
Down at the creek catching crawdads, tadpoles and little fishies:
At Cabela's with an uncooperative Danny:
At the pond:
Father's Day morning, me, my sis and my dad

Father's Day

Father's Day this year also happened while we were camping and on Danny's birthday as well.  The boys each made Bryce a card.  Danny's had train tracks and circles on it, and Austin's I can't remember because he lost it.  But Austin picked out a new watch for Bryce all on his own!  Bryce also got a new set of kitchen knives from Cabela's because our old set at home drove him crazy (they never stayed sharp enough!).

Some Family Pics

While carrying the canoe to the lake we had to cross over a fence.  As soon as I saw this spot I knew I wanted to take some family picture there.  My cousin Dera was kind enough to come along and snap them for us  :)

Up the Mountainside We Go!

We went exploring up the mountainside to find the trains!  We were lucky and got to see 3!

Misc. Favorites

Here are some of m favorites shots from the camping trip: