Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Danny's First Pair of Wranglers

I am so excited that he finally fits into his Wranglers!

Nevada City

This past weekend we went and did our 2nd reenactment, this time at Pioneer Park in Nevada City. We were camped out in baseball fields (we were in out in left field - haha!) and it was wonderful to be on the cool, green grass but having backstops and chain link fences in the background of the pictures was frustrating for me!
Austin spent some of his time training with the cadets. He and his little friend are still a little young to be official cadets but the lieutenant lets them join anyway, and he says they do a great job! I went down to get some pictures of one of their drills and they were teaching the cadets how to take hits and make it look and sound real. Austin was good at taking the fall but then he would just lay there and laugh!

Danny had a cold and so he was a bit cranky all weekend but he would NOT take a nap for me. Which is ironic because I have spent the last week trying to not let him have naps (because he was waking up at 4 in the morning)! Well, I went to get us some lunch and came back and this is what I found:
While watching the battles Danny liked to climb on all the rocks. So I was trying to chase after him, in a hoop skirt and corset, which amused all the onlookers, and trying to get pictures of Bryce in the battle as well!
After a morning of intense heat we were all so glad for the afternoon rain. We all stood outside and just enjoyed it! The rain then gave away to some beautiful clouds at sunset.
In our tent that night I was trying to get this picture of the lantern but was having a hard time because . . .
my picture monster kept jumping in front of the camera!
Here is Bryce enjoying the campfire that night. We also spent some time laying on the grass and star gazing. We saw some amazing shooting stars!
Here is the ammunition loading table. Bryce taught me how to roll the paper cartridges, fill them with the powder and fold them closed!

And here is Danny, playing on the field. He got so dirty from that red dirt! He had fun stacking up the firewood, drawing in the dirt, splashing in the dish washing tubs and escaping from me - a lot!
One of the sweetest moments was on Sunday morning. I saw our Chaplain walking slowly around the field, reading the Bible in his hands and preparing for the morning sermon. When I looked up again, Danny was walking right along with him, in a companionable silence, while eating his granola bar. The Chaplain was so inspired by this that it made its way into the morning sermon. I went to grab my camera and snap a picture of them but Danny was gone (again) by the time I got back.
Despite his crankiness he was still a charmer and people loved taking pictures of him. He even had some repeat fans who saw him at the last reenactment!

My handsome boys in front of our tent.
A family picture. See what I mean about the fencing and backstops being annoying. I had to constantly try to get the right angle to avoid having it in the background!
I am wearing the dress that Bryce picked out for me, and everyone loved it! It will double as my ballgown as well.

We also got to meet President Lincoln!
And here is all the wonderful family that came out to share the day with us!
My brother Mark, holding a sleeping Danny, Maysie and Tanya, my Mom and Dad, my cousin Kathleen and my Grandma.

We ended the weekend by watching the Constitution Day parade downtown and having dinner with the family on our way out of town. It was a wonderful weekend and we can't wait til the even in Fresno next month!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Photography and Exploration at Wilder Ranch

Since our state parks are still in danger of being shut down I decided to take the boys out to one we had not visited yet, Wilder Ranch. It is right on the coast and used to be a working ranch. They still have the beautiful old Victorian house, the barns, a schoolhouse (you can still ring the bell), out buildings, tractors, buggies, goats, cows, chickens and even a cat.
The ranch also has miles of walking, hiking and horse riding trails as well as some intriguing beaches that I can't wait to be able to explore. I was not feeling adventurous enough to hike the 2 boys down the cliffs on my own, even though the lure of a true smugglers cave lined in ferns was strong!
The boys really loved exploring all the old buildings and machines. I broke out my old camera and some black and white film to take some pictures. Now I have to go and get those developed and the suspense is killing me!
So here are the pictures from my digital camera. The boys did not like when I pulled them from their exploring to take pictures but they were still pretty good sports about it.