Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Last Game

Austin had his last game of the "A" ball season on Saturday.  I finally got the chance to take some pictures of him playing.  Normally I am too busy running around after Danny to be able to get around to taking pictures.  But the day was so hot that all Danny did was sit in the shade with gypsy which allowed me to go on the field to take some pics!
After the game was a bbq party down at the park   Austin was so excited to get his trophy and game ball.  Danny had fun learning how to climb the ropes and was quite the monkey by the time we were done!
Freckles and chocolate cake crumbs!
I am so proud of Austin and how far he progressed with his baseball this season.  He was so much more focused and positive!  And it was really fun to watch him finally understanding how the game works, and working together with his teammates to make good plays.


J.R. Kay said...

What a cute little baseball player he is! And oh my, Gypsy is getting so big!

Oma and Papa said...

Great job Austin!

Love, Oma and Papa