Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caramel Corn

Tonight I made some of my mom's ooey, gooey, oh so yummy caramel corn and then packaged it up for Austin's teacher and bus driver. I did a cute bag topper for the bags using the Scallop punch and the Top Note Sizzix die from Stampin' Up! I love how they came out and they were so easy to do!

Here is the recipe:
2 sticks butter
2 cups tightly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
6 quarts popped popcorn

Pop popcorn and place into 2 deep baking or roasting pans. 3" is a good depth. I used my pampered chef 9x13 baking dish and lid.
Melt butter in a deep saucepan. Add brown sugar and salt. Bring to a boil, on medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and boil for 5 minutes, no stirring. Remove from heat and add vanilla and soda and stir it all in (it will get a little foamy at this point). Pour over popcorn and mix it around. Place pans in oven heated to 200 degrees. Cook 15 minutes and stir. Then again 15 minutes and stir. If you want it a little crunchier you can cook for an additional 10 minutes. Pour out on a bread board, break it up a little and let cool.
If you are going to do half the recipe, reduce the stovetop time to half and the baking time to 10 minute intervals.

It is easier to make then I anticipated. All told it took less than an hour Austin helped and had a great time until we burned the caramel mixture on the first batch (it looked and smelled like a mix of tar and molasses - yuck!). He sure enjoyed tasting the results though!

Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye . . .

. . . Starring Austin Danenhauer as Optimus Prime

6000 and counting . . .

I realized the last time that I downloaded my pics to the computer that the file # was over 6000. It made me wonder at what # my camera started counting. So I checked and the first one on file is 0010. I have taken over 6000 pictures! (that averages at 16 pictures a day since I got the camera a year ago!)
Here is picture 0010

and picture 6010

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Wow, so I've been tagged! Thanks Geny, this should be fun :) (you can visit her blog for some great paper crafts - she does beautiful work)
So here it goes:

Things I Love

1. My Officer (so proud of him) and our boys (even though they drive me crazy!)
2. My Family
3. Reading
4. Photography
5. Anything to do with stamping, scrapping and paper crafting in general

Things I Don't Love
1. Politics
2. Waking up in the morning
3. Folding laundry
4. Stupid people
5. Vinegar

Songs On My I-Pod

Well if I had one . . .
1. So What - Pink
2. Fall for You - Secondhand Serenade
3. Bend - Pat Green
4. Another Try - Josh Turner
5. What If - Joshua Radin

Favorite Foods/Drinks
1. Shrimp
2. Cheesecake
3. Dad's chocolate chip cokies
4. French bread
5. Avacado

Tag five other bloggers:
1. Summer
2. Dera
3. Heidi
4. Darci
5. Carrie

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Last night was trunk or treat. Halloween is a big deal down here. The majority of the ward was dressed up and they did a great job with the decorations and games. There was an amazing haunted house that the YW/YM put together (I only got to see a couple of rooms cuz Austin whimped out on me!). Danny ran around all night looking for pumpkins to throw. He thinks they are balls. Austin loved all the decorated cars and he got a costume prize. He loved being Indiana Jones and was in character all night!

Austin, Soren and Isaiah
Laura (a fellow CHiPpy wife - yay!), Sidney, Roxane and Me

Creek Clean Up

Yesterday was the annual community creek clean up. It was a lot of fun. We got to meet a lot of our neighbors and explore the creek as we cleaned it up. It was followed by a BBQ and raffle. Austin won some art classes. He also made a new friend, Sage, and made it all the way across the monkey bars for the first time!

The Nina

A replica of The Nina docked at the Santa Cruz harbor this week so we went down to check it out. It was much smaller than I thought. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have to actually sail it across the ocean. It is currently sailed by a crew of 7, which is a cozy fit. While we were aboard there was at least 20 0thers on board too. It is very hard to walk on a rocking ship with that many other people!
In front of The Nina with Carlie
The anchor (with Howard lighthouse in the background)
Danny trying to walk down the deck
Carlie and Austin climb as high on the ship as they were allowed too
Austin checks out the ships boat

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Carving of the Pumpkins

Tonight we carved our pumpkins and it went surprisingly well. Of course, Bryce is a master pumpkin scrapper, so that helped a lot! Danny had fun pretending to scoop and taking the top of his pumpkin off and on. Austin loved pulling out the pumpkin guts and drew a very cute pumpkin face. He was very determined that it would be a happy pumpkin and not scary. Speaking of pumpkins, I should probably go blow out the candles! Does anyone know; do raccoons eat pumpkins? We also put up some Halloween lights over the door orange and purple :)

Clear Card - So Cool!

Once I saw the tutorial on how to make one of these I had to try it! I am pretty happy with the results! The link for the tutorial is here.

Newest Scrapbook Pages

My current goal is to complete one page a day. So far, so good. Here is what I have accomplished this week:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

And I Wonder Why I Think I am Losing My Mind

Last night while trying to make dinner I could not find my whisk. I looked in every cabinet and drawer I could think of, but no whisk. I asked Austin and he couldn't figure out what a "Chicken Whisk" was (commonly known as a kitchen whisk). I finally gave up, frustrated. Well tonight I opened up the lid for the piano and there was my whisk along with various other kitchen utensils! Maybe they were trying to run away with the dish and the spoon?

Austin's Art Work

I just have to share some of Austin's most recent artwork. I used to despair that he would ever enjoy art and now he is going crazy. He likes to describe to me in detail the next project he wants to do. Normally it ends with "And Mom, I think I'm going to need tape." That boy should buy some stock in tape!
The lighthouse
He made this for Danny

A painting from school

A picture of mommy

Another school painting

A Bushel and a Peck

This one's for you dad . . .

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We took a drive up Highway 1 to Half Moon Bay to Tunitas Creek Family Farm to get out pumpkins. It was a great little farm, beautiful and a bit old fashioned. The highlight of the trip was the tractor hayride. I have about 50 pictures that I would like to share but I will only put up the best of my favorites.


We ended out day on a beautiful note by watching the sunset at Pigeon Point Lighthouse.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ribbon Storage

And then I found this idea for ribbon storage. I will be implementing this idea for my drawer full of messy ribbons!

Fun Ideas to Share

I found these great ideas at the Better Homes and Gardens website (under Holidays).
The Mad Scientists just crack me up!