Monday, April 11, 2011

If Danny Had Been Noah . . .

 . . . He would have given the animals swim "soups" and swim "gobbles" and taught them how to swim.  It made for a very entertaining bath time!
He rescued the animals from the water, lined them all up, gave them a stern talking to about what they needed to do, and then made them jump off and swim to the other side.


Anonymous said...

Sarah, those are such cute bath toys. Did you buy them? If so, where did u get them? Sydney would soo love those!

Sarah D said...

Phani - my mom got those toys through tupperware when we were kids. I don't know if they still sell them (or maybe a newer version of them by now) or you might be able to find some on EBAY or something like that :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those toys are in great shape!

Mark and Tanya said...

Oh my goodness, the third picture down:) Wonder where he learned that face?