Thursday, October 27, 2011


I have been searching for awhile for the perfect hutch to go in our front room.  The price, the size and the style had to all be just right for me.  I would find one on Craig's List only to get no response back, or find on at a garage sale only to find that it had been sold 5 minutes before!  Well, I finally got lucky, and found the perfect one, on Craig's list.  The lady responded right away, and I went down and got it that night.  I took my dad with me because I am always nervous about going to some random strangers house with money in my pocket.  Turned out there were no worries in this case, the lady was a total sweetheart and the hutch was even better in person than the picture!
It will eventually be painted black to match my table, chairs and kitchen island, but I ran out of black paint!  I love that the doors are tin and not glass, so much better when one has energetic boys.  Now I am all organized and even had some room to display some of my favorite white/milkglass/hobnail dishes!  I am so happy that my patience paid off!

1 comment:

Evelyn Warner said...

Abolutely the perfect hutch. Gramma also agrees.