Saturday, June 30, 2012

Danny #5!

Danny's 5th birthday was all about pirates!
We did it at a little local water park so the kids got to play in the water.  My best friend Melinda was a huge help with all the really cool pirate decorations.  The kids also got to go on a treasure hunt to find the hidden treasure, guarded by a mighty and fierce pirate.  The treasure chest was a pinata, but somehow I managed to not get any pictures of it !  Danny had such a blast playing with all his friends and getting all sorts of great birthday loot!

Yay! Here are some pictures my mom got that show our fearsome pirate Uncle Mark and the treasure chest.

1 comment:

Oma and Papa said...

Such a fun party and day. The kids had a great time. So glad you are finding a chance to update the blog, love it!