Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Dera, Miriam and I went and saw "Twilight" this weekend.
I knew it was going to be nowhere as near
as good as the book but I was still excited!
My favorite part:
The first kiss! One of the best first kisses ever!
Most unexpected:
I was checking out Bella's dad!
Maybe it is because I have a thing for cops,
or maybe it is just an indicator of my age!
Not to sure about:
The very multi-ethnic cast.
It seemed a little unrealistic for a little town like Forks.

Didn't look like what I expected:
He just didn't fit for me and it made it even
harder for me to feel sorry for him.

Funniest part:
When Edward took Bella home to meet the family.
Favorite character (besides Edward and Bella):
Unexpectedly funny:
The looks on Jasper's face throughout the movie!
All in all:
I liked it and the first kiss made it so very worthwhile!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I could have seen it with my cousins! I'm glad you had a fun time! I'm using your questions to give you my review:

My favorite part:I totally agree with you on the first kiss. It took my breath away! Even though it wasn't the same as the first kiss in the book it was awesome..."Don't move....just don't move..." lol. Second place goes to when Bella and Edward get out of the car at school and they look so happy and everyone is staring at them! And I have to add a third favorite - vampire baseball!!

Most unexpected: I thought it was a nice touch at the end when Bella is being driven out of town from such a scary situation when she sees all her 'human' friends laughing and having a good time walking out of the cafe. That was a nice parallel to add to that scene.

Not too sure about: Some of the choices they made - I think I would have liked to see the scene from the book where they first eat lunch together in the cafeteria or the blood-typing incident rather than some of the 'made-up' scenes they had.

Didn't look like what I expected: None of the other classmates looked as I expected, except maybe Jessica. Mike, Eric, Tyler, Angela - all different from my mental image.

Funniest part:I thought Charlie had some of the best lines and scenes, but i thought it was hilarious when Edward showed Bella his room. You could see how nervous and unsure he was! "uuhhh, um, this...is....my room." Actually all of his scenes where he's courting her you can see how he just doesn't know how to talk to a girl, like when they're at her locker after they win the 'golden onion,' and he gets nervous and just turns and walks away! LOL.

Favorite character (besides Edward and Bella): Aside from Charlie, I loved Carlisle and Alice. I really, really wanted more Cullens!!

Unexpectedly funny: People in my theater were laughing at how Edward dazzled, I didn't really think it was funny, I mean, they really couldn't have done it any other way without going ridiculously overboard, but I'd have to say Jasper was unexpectedly funny for me. "The one who looks like he's always in pain."

All in all: A great visual companion for the book, but it is not the film I would have made, you know what I mean?

Dera said...

What a fun night that was, although I do wish you could have been there, Summer!

Can I answer the questions, too? I'll try to be brief:

My fav: the first kiss - but later when she falls asleep with him. It shows a lot of trust on her part and I love the look on his face. I loved the baseball game, also.

Unexpected: Mike - he seemed so young and little. I expected him to be a little more jock-ish, able to "compete".

Not too sure about: Edwards room. It's tiny! How is a bed going to fit in there?!?

Didn't look like what I expected: I agree - the classmates. Enuf said.

Funniest part: I agree on all points.

Favorite character: hmmm. . . I'm a Jasper fan.

Unexpectedly funny: Charlie, as already mentioned. Also I loved the kitchen seen (Bella had already eaten). Cracked me up.

All in all: *happy sigh* Can't wait for the next movies!!!!!