Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jukes Family Christmas Party

As my Jukes family expands, our get togethers get a bit crazier each year!  This year I believe we had a count of 42!  And that doesn't include my 3 cousins and their families out in Utah that were not able to make it!  It was so great to see everyone, I just wish there had been more time to visit more!
My wonderful siblings:
Jenessa, Mark, Bethany, Trevor and I

My wonderful cousins:
Brooke and Summer

And some more wonderful cousins:
Angela, Andera, Keith Cameron and Miriam

Putting together our annual family yearbook.

We started this tradition several years ago.  Instead of doing a big, crazy gift exchange, each family makes a yearbook page and then makes copies for everyone, and then compile them in a binder.  It is a great way to keep up with our rapidly expanding family!

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