Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My boys are so very active and I have always wondered how long it would be before I had to take them in for an emergency visit.  Well, on Sunday Danny broke my 7 years lucky streak.  He fell backwards on to a tiled ledge and gashed open the back of his head.    He was such a trooper while Bryce shaved the area and tried to apply steri strips.  As long as he had candy in his hand he was just fine. Thank goodness Bryce had gotten me a bag of cookie and cream chocolate hearts for Valentine's day!  The steri strips wouldn't hold the gash closed so it was decided that I would take him in to get stitches.  So I grabbed the bag of candy and off we went. He did great til it came time to lay down and have the staples put in (we decided on staples because they are much faster to put in than stitches).  It took 2 nurses and I to hold him down.  After he got his numbing shot he wasn't in pain any more but he hated being held down, it made him very upset.  As soon as it was done and he was let  up (and had another candy), he was just fine and went around offering candy to all the nurses.  He was actually sad when it was time to leave and kept wanting to go back and see the doctor!  Now he has the staples in for a week and we can't get his head wet but other than that he is back to his normal, bouncy, charming self!


djhuffaker said...

Ouch, my 3 year old just had one of those. I love your blog Sarah!!

Laura said...

Oh no! Poor boy! I hate to think of those type of accidents... that is the scary part of being a mom! :)