Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh, By the Way . . .

For the last week Austin has talking about needing to build a leprechaun trap.  Both Bryce and I didn't think anything of it because Austin is always making plans to build things.  Well, it turns out that he really did need to build one: as homework.  His teacher sent home a note last week but Austin never gave it to me.  This evening, after our beautiful afternoon outside, I opened up Austin's homework folder and found his homework schedule for the week and lo and behold, he needs to build a leprechaun trap and it is due tomorrow!  Yikes!  So off we go, for an emergency trip to the dollar store to get supplies because I have nothing at home that is green and gold and sparkly (and those are the things that attract leprechauns).  Of course, all of their St. Patrick's Day supplies are already gone so thank goodness for the party section and we were lucky to find one lone shamrock necklace stashed in the corner of the register counter!
Here's the supplies we gathered:
And here is his Gold Mine Leprechaun Trap: 
The leprechaun will see the rainbow and follow the shamrock trail, up the ladder and discover the gold mine.  Leprechauns are known for doing the opposite of what they are told, so it will hop in the bucket to go down to the mine.  When he jumps in, the stick will move, the door will fall and the leprechaun will be trapped.  The leprechaun will have to share some of his magic with Austin in order to be released.  Austin is planning on still letting the leprechaun have one or two of the gold spray painted rocks.


Summer said...

That is the most clever leprechaun trap I have ever seen! Well done, Austin (and mom!) :)

Diana said...

Brent learned about them in kindergarten and has passed the tradition on to the girls. They make them every year and the darn leprechaun gets away with the candy after turning the milk green. Lots of fun!

Oma and Papa said...

That is the tickiest Leprechaun trap we have ever seen. You guys did a great job, especially under the circumstances! Let us know if you catch one of those pesky leprechauns.

Love, Oma and Great Gramma Warner