Monday, July 19, 2010

The Beach in Black and White

While Bryce's brother Michael was in town we had to get in at least one beach trip, and of course the day we choose to go was cold and foggy.  We had a wonderful time any way.  I had recently read an article about taking beach photos and one of the tips was to try and take some in black and white, so that is what I decided to do.

Austin was very excited to get to the beach!


Bryce and Michael boogie boarding:

Bryce and Austin taking a ride on a wave:

Run away, run away!

The ultimate sandcastle!

Danny's End-of-the-day-and-I'm-tired-and-hungry Meltdown!

1 comment:

Oma and Papa said...

Love Austin's wet suit and the castle is great. Looks like you had a great day.