Monday, May 7, 2012

Easter #4

And our final Easter Party was at home, on Easter Sunday.

All the cousins
 Danny and Maysie hunting eggs together
 Nessa and Beamer.  I LOVE this picture of her!
 A heartbroken Hannah.  She had been so close to finding the Golden Egg
 Papa and Hannah
 Austin and Gillian
 Me and my Danny Boy
 Me and my Boys, including my newest boy, David  :)
 My boys...Danny was being especially brave after the "ant incident".  I learned a valuable lesson about checking for ant hills, before I ask the boys to sit somewhere for a picture.  You should see the way Danny crushes any ant he sees now with a vengeance!
 Silly boys - they bring me so much joy!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Actually, that is a picture of Papa and Hallie :)