Saturday, October 31, 2009


Halloween is so much fun when you have kids!  Austin has been really looking forward to it.  He went as the Red Dragon Knight.  Danny loves trains so he was a train conductor.  I even made a train for him to drive.  He loved the train but hated wearing it!  I had to bribe him with a lollipop to get him to wear it!  Danny got the hang of trick or treating pretty quickly.  He would walk up to someone and just say "treat", no "tricks for him!

We went all out in the kitchen and had a Halloween table, complete with a glittered chandelier!  The boys had a great time using their Halloween dishes.

Pumpkin carving time!

My Halloween nails coordinate with our Halloween colored Pippa!

Out trick or treating.  You can see how "happy" Danny is with his train!

1 comment:

Oma and Papa said...

The train and the knight look terrific. You did a great job Sarah. Looks like you had a great time and made some great memories.

Love, mom