Friday, September 24, 2010

Something Crafty!

It has been a long, long while since I have done something crafty, let alone blogged about it.  But this week I actually made a card (for my friend Tami), and then today I made a phone pouch from felt for my new phone.  I did not buy anything protective for it when I got it, and have realized that if I just throw it in my purse, like I am prone to do, then the screen will get all scratched up.  So I raided my mom's felt box, picked out some colors that went nicely together and voila . . . 

 . . . I love it!  It feels good to be crafty again  :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Sarah, that is simply adorable! I want one! :o) Wish I were creative like that but I'm soo not!

Laura said...