Monday, May 2, 2011

Cub Scout Campfire

Austin got to go to his first cub scout campfire.  His wolf den got to do a skit, in which he was allowed to go crazy such as he loves to do.  And then they got to have s'mores.  I think Danny thinks he is a cub scout too.  He loves to get to participate in all the activities!

The skit went as follows;
Narrator- "This is a test of the emergency broadcast channel."
Kids - "eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh" buzz like noise for 10 seconds
Narrator -  "This has been a test of the emergency broadcast channel.  If this was an actual emergency you would have heard . . ."
Kids - running, screaming and general chaos
(Yup Austin was in his element, he loved it)

 Whew, back to resting at the campfire!  Austin got 2 belt loop awards this night too.
 And then the roasting and eating of the s'mores!
 The evening sun really brought out the red in Austin's hair!  It made me wish his hair had stayed red!

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