Monday, May 2, 2011

A Danny Mish Mash

Just some of the cute stuff Danny has been up to lately . . .

Helping Uncle Mark with the mower
 Grrrrr, even his angry face is too darn cute!
 He piles every blanket he can into the laundry basket, makes himself a little nest, and then falls asleep.
 Building with his railroad set.  This was one of his masterpieces and I was not allowed to see it until he was completely finished building it.
 Making a fort under my computer desk.  He likes to be right, exactly where I am , so this is how I manage to get some work done!
 Letting me practice on him with the nice camera (Canon 5D Mark I) I rented for a week.
 He is constantly getting in to the fridge.  I may have to get a lock for it!
 Singing "Slippery Fish" (for probably the thousandth time) - Humungous whale, humungous whale, spouting in the water . . .


Heidi said...

Fridge locks don't work very well, at least the ones we've tried - the kids just need to pull harder, or longer, and they snap. Trevor accidently broke one too, as he forgot it was there and pulled with adult force. I would consider your boys' strength as more than sufficient to make the "lock" useless.

J.R. Kay said...

Oh he is the cutest Danny in the world!