Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Morning Laziness

How wonderful to have a lazy morning.  I'm still in my pajamas as I write this!  This morning Danny woke up bright and early as usual, but I am trying to fight off a head cold so I told Danny to go and play quietly in his room, so I could sleep a bit longer.  I woke up an hour later to this . . .
He had colored his entire hand with a blue marker!  Luckily it is washable.  I think the extra hour of sleep was still worth it!
We got him all cleaned up, and then made some french toast and have just been bumming around the house.  Danny got real quiet again so I realized I had better go and see what he was up to and this is what I found . . .
Awwww, he was reading the scriptures!  Then I realized he was on the map pages.  That's still ok, I thought to myself, at least he is opening and looking at the scriptures.  And then I realized he was using them to plan a backpacking trip and I just had to laugh!
Austin was thoroughly enjoy getting to be lazy this morning too.  He came and told me several times how nice it was to just relax and not have to go to school.  That lasted til about 11:30, then he was ready to start inviting friends over and go outside and play!
And I am thinking it is now time for me to get dressed and get the laundry done!

1 comment:

Joslyn Fitzgerald Stead said...

How fun! I love mornings like that!